In fact, it comes from a game in archery that the British used to have. Oh, to live in heaven, to dwell there, to let the heart be caught up from this poor life into the life that is above! The children of disobedience are such as choose to disobey God, and to serve the devil; in these he works very powerfully and effectually. Death always implies a change from the state of being alive. Now we are Christians; and this decides the character of the duties we have to pay, or of the good works which He has before prepared that we should walk in them; for "we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus" for this very purpose. Friends, as we gather our thoughts into quietness. What is that? All men, being naturally children of disobedience, are also by nature children of wrath: God is angry with the wicked every day. The world's motive is profit. This is the great want simple, genuine faith in the Holy Ghost. Christianity demands forgiveness, but the ancient writers said it was a sign of weakness to have the power to avenge oneself for injury and not to do so. God then brings out His own secret, after having kept it hidden from all past ages and generations, though, of course, it has been before Him from the beginning. P: Gods light has come to us! Less than $5/mo! I was no longer the captain of my soul, and did not know it. If you haven't previously submitted something but would like to, you can find my email address by clicking on my name in the "About Me" section below. The Jews believed that God had approached their nation with a special offer. I do not deny but that a Christian may slip elsewhere. He is holy in nature, and blameless in His ways. And they began to be merry (Luke 15:21-24 NASB). to you who were far off and to you who were near. My creed is part of my being. It is not so in the word of God. First, let us talk a little about OUR QUICKENING. "I see you've changed your house," he said to her. But Paul is not talking about the life to come; he is talking about this present life. Plato said that the barbarians are "our enemies by nature. Oh, hideous spectacle! The choice of the saints for heavenly blessedness was before the creation of the universe, before the foundation of the world. What a difference that news would make! Here you see the greatness of his grace, in that "he loved us, even when we were dead in sins.". See how Paul keeps harping on that one string. It is told that in the congregation in Edinburgh to which George Matheson came there was an old woman who lived in a cellar in filthy conditions. When Isaiah received his vision of God, his first reaction was to say: "Woe is me! If it be illustrated in Christ, if it be bound up with Him, fear not to trust simply and to believe implicitly. Do we ever even try to say thank you for what has been done for us? P: Lord, open our hearts and let us share your Good News. I was a natural man, dominated by my fleshly needs. A day he wants to share with his dad. (ii) We saw that sin killed the ideals by which men live. But I dare say I have some characters that are illustrations of that case too. Sometimes through an uncurtained window he would see a family sitting round the table or the fire in happy fellowship; then the curtain would be drawn and he would feel shut out, and lonely in the dark. You notice places is italicized.So it's far more than just saving me from my sins, it is making me alive unto God and then raising me up into the heavenly levels. The child is not aware of whether it is distant or a near object till some time after. The earth is their sphere; it is there that Israel looks to be blessed, and the Gentiles somewhat farther off, but all in the ordered blessing of the Most High God. And His Spirit is bearing witness with my spirit that I am His child, and because of His Spirit bearing witness with my spirit I cry Abba, I cry Father. "Give her meat." Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! "Rejoice, O my soul, in thy youth; soon shall other men be in life, "No mortal is happy of all on whom the sun looks down. Sins, , may probably mean here habitual transgression; sinning knowingly and daringly. One man's weakness may be in his body and his risk may be sexual sin; another's may be in spiritual things and his risk in pride; another's may be in earthly things and his risk unworthy ambition; another's sin may be in his temper and his risk in envyings and strife. It is a present thing in every sense, though, of course, needed for heaven and eternity. Finally, "receive the helmet of salvation, [there the head is lifted up, not in presumption, but with none the less joy and courage,] and the sword of the Spirit," which is expressly said to be the word of God. And when a man is born into the kingdom of God, he has to learn everything; and consequently, if he is wise, he questions older and wiser believers about this and about that. There was a lot of things I didn't want to do. It is remarkable that the mystery, though revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the power of the Holy Ghost, was not revealed by them. See the result of that difference. I would be so pleased that he is wanting to do something to please me. That is exactly the right that Jesus gives us in regard to God. We were living. This text brings us Easter tidings; it sings of resurrection; it sounds in our ear the trumpet of a new life, and introduces us into a world of joy and gladness. - ! (Note also Romans 5:12; Romans 5:21; James 1:15; James 5:20; Romans 7:5; Romans 7:10; Romans 7:13; Romans 7:24; John 5:24.). Kings on their coronation were anointed; and thus Christos ( G5547) , the literal Greek translation of the Hebrew Messiah ( H4886) , came to mean the Anointed One of God, the expected King whom God would send into the world to vindicate his own and to bring in the golden age. Reality is hopeless. Remake us, Lord, again into your image, for we choose to imitate you. Here God from Himself and for Himself is acting according to the riches of His own grace. Reader 1 Remember a time when you were without Christ. Latest of all, God divulged His wonderful scheme in which the man that came from above, the Son that became a man, the Word made flesh, had gone down to the very lowest in order to make good the glory of God morally in the scene where He had been most put to shame. Christ did not do the same thing with the young man that he did with the daughter of Jairus. I ceased to be lord over myself. It is not here deliverance, let it be ever so complete; it is not the knowledge of our position in Christ as inEphesians 1:1-23; Ephesians 1:1-23; but rather the converse Christ dwelling in us by faith, and the heart entering into the positive excellency of the Son, the only adequate object of the Father's own delight. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. Ay, but those salt tears are tears of barrenness. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Hence the apostle Paul, in what is by no means the simplest utterance he has given, writes in few words. It is a very blessed experience to be able to walk on earth, and look up to heaven; but it is a higher experience to live in heaven, and look down on the earth; and this is what the believer may do. my dear hearers, "quickened together with Christ"? That is, he looks at the inner source, not merely at the glorious results. Previous year: 2021-2022 | Next year: 2023-2024. When all things that are shall be like old ocean's foam, which dissolves into the wave that bears it, and is gone for ever; we shall live, and we shall live in Christ, and with Christ, glorified for ever. It was the golden age of the city state. Not only was His resurrection this manifestation, but also whatever God put forth toward us was in virtue of that display of His energy was, so to speak, morally included in that power which raised up Christ from the dead. Few would venture on so bold a statement as that; but if you boldly do the thing, I must speak of it. 4 all the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing the praises of your name. 8 praise our god, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; 9 he has preserved our lives and kept our Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, but he never forgot the unique place of the Jews in the design and the revelation of God. * The Lord Jesus is repeatedly called , translated "son" and "child" in the English version of the Acts of the Apostles, but more properly God's servant as Messiah. 1.And you who were dead. We are sealed with the mark of the Holy 12. We all benefit from your creativity and generosity. Beloved, we make many mistakes, and we shall continue to do so. This is the beginning of another extended sentence in the Greek (2:1-10). ! It is not God's laws against which we have sinned; it is against his heart. It was as though a tarnishing breath had swept over the reminiscent mirror of his mind and left a little film behind it, so that no past thing he wished to see therein was reflected with quite the same pristine clearness. In their natural state, all people are spiritually dead because of sin. It is an awful thing to have your conscience hardened, as in the very fires of hell, till it becomes like steel. But in Ephesians we are in presence of a new creation in Christ, where claim is out of the question. True, he starts with adultery and fornication, but he goes on to idolatry, hatred, wrath, strife, envyings, seditions, heresies. No one is precisely the same after he has sinned. Whether it was so or not, I do not know. And is this all? It is not carnal blessing such as was in measure given under the law to Israel, and will be under the new covenant by and by; it is spiritual blessing. Yes, but He did not go up as He came down from above. Jesus wants to do good things through us! IT MIGHT NATURALLY be expected that I should have selected the topic of the resurrection on what is usually called the Easter Sabbath. No God? The contrast is with Adam, who had a knowledge that was suited to his own place and relationship. Blessed be God! What the paradox was to me in the sphere of thought, perversity became to me in the sphere of passion. The epistle to the Ephesians truly understood will help none so to do. But was this all? I know the heart of this people. 3. Psalm 18: Part C- Jesus Resurrection Song, Psalm 51: Standing under the shower of Confession, Psalm 54: Help me now as youve helped me before. The Rabbi refused. It is possible that you would be trying very hard to hit the mark. A really awakened soul may still have a great many unsettled questions in agitation within him. This is and must be the medium, as far as the saints are concerned, grace being the spring on God's part: "and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. Our state and course are such as deserve wrath, and would end in eternal wrath, if divine grace did not interpose. . These are the things that were the motivation behind our lives. We would readily agree that the robber, murderer, the razor-slasher, the drunkard, the gangster are sinners, but, since most of us are respectable citizens, in our heart of hearts we think that sin has not very much to do with us. We must be careful to understand what Paul means by the sins of the flesh. but it fills our hearts we can feel it! 2. The apostle concludes his prayer with an ascription of glory to Him in the Church unto all generations of the age of the ages, able to do far above all we ask or think according to His power which works in us. There is no escape. Oh that we might have grace to walk in communion with such grace! Both are now introduced by grace into an entirely new and heavenly place in Christ, which was not so much as heard of before. In this order He gave them the body to be edified, and ministry carried on, but always the individual first. Scripturally-based resources for worship planners and leaders. We lived in the actual commission of all those sins to which corrupt nature inclined us. He can never put things right with her by serving a term of imprisonment and paying a fine. When we started being sweet and kind, and you know, generous and good, and when we started just living such a perfect life, God said, "My, isn't that lovely? This does not yet appear; for there is nothing to indicate to mankind what He purposes to do. He used to walk the streets at evening time. Hence he says, "that we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ," referring to himself and any other saints who had been chosen from the people of the Jews. There was counsel, but besides there was intrinsic glory altogether independent of any plans of conferred honour. And the warmth of God's truth as it just bears witness to our spirits.But Paul said that we were all once in that boat where Satan was guiding, leading to a shipwreck. We know ourselves called, but were so easily distracted. We have not only left the dead, and become joined to Christ, but we are made to sit in heaven with Christ. He was a resident alien, a man who had taken up residence in a place but who had never become a naturalized citizen; he paid a tax for the privilege of existing in a land which was not his own. The same "Beloved" who accounts to us for the counsels of God has brought in redemption. Reader 1 In his own flesh Jesus broke down the hostility between us. Tomorrow morning let the ground be wet and the fleece dry." That is, you really didn't have any real eternal purpose. The child has a thousand things to ask; it has to learn everything. That awareness of God, that communion with God, or that fellowship and oneness that God intended that man should have with God. Before he gets up in the morning, he begins to feel sometimes lively and sometimes ill; he does not understand himself. First there was the Court of the Gentiles; then the Court of the Women; then the Court of the Israelites; then the Court of the Priests; and finally the Holy Place itself. Its searching diagnosis pronounces that mortification has set in and that nothing less than infusion of fresh lifeblood can work a cure. Lord God, we confess that we have each of us grieved the Holy Spirit. Christ takes away from the young man his means of pleasure. That which was easy to him becomes a bed of thorns. Our God and Father does look for the display of the mind of Christ in us, so that we should be able to form a judgment according to Himself, and to express it about whatever comes before us. There are plenty who err in that second direction nowadays. Thus far the apostle has described the misery of a natural state in Ephesians 2:1-3, which we shall find him pursuing again in some following ones. Sinners in their pre-Christian state were "dead in sins"; but that deadness was not something they inherited, but came about through the guilt of sins committed. How solemn to learn what the old man is in its most detestable forms, against all which the Christian is warned! "for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." None of us can make it on our own. There is his pleasure-seeking: he has given it up; but how often will his companions be after him, to get him to go with them. "The riches of the glory of his inheritance" embrace, of course, that vast scene of creation which is to be put under the glorified saints. It is the rockiest city in the world. The breast-plate means the practical righteousness of the saint himself. Here again we are at something which was very real in the days of Paul but which is not so real to us. Thou hast the dew of thy youth, O child of God; and thou shalt have yet more of it, and be like thy Lord, when he shall take thee away from every trace of death, and the corrupt atmosphere of this poor world, and thou shalt dwell with the living God in the land of the living, for ever and for ever! You who have been quickened will understand what I say. For "if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." At its heart is a desire to rediscover and refresh the best of past Wesleyan hymns and write new congregational worship that is a call to justice, compassion, mercy, The carnal mind makes a man a perfect slave to his vicious appetite.--The fulfilling of the wills of the flesh, so the words may be rendered, denoting the efficacy of these lusts, and what power they have over those who yield themselves up unto them. ye daughters of Sion, who are ever at the house of prayer, oh! 4, 5. in trespasses and sins: The scriptures here maintain that "trespasses and sins" are what bring about spiritual death, not "hereditary depravity." If everybody is jumping in the fire, are you going to jump in the fire? but are fellow citizens with the saints in the household of God. Dear God, we like people who look like us. God has made our conscience quick as the apple of the eye; he has made our soul as sensitive as a raw wound, so that the very shadow of sin falling on the believer's heart will cause him great pain; and, if he does go into the actual sin, then, like David, he talks about his bones being broken, and it is not too strong a figure of the sorrow that comes upon the believing heart when sin has been committed, and God has been grieved. 2:4-10 Although we were all like that, I say, God, because he is rich in mercy and because of his great love with which he has loved us, made us alive in Jesus Christ, even when we were dead in trespasses (it is by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Christ, and gave us a seat in the heavenly places with Christ, because of what Christ Jesus did for us. His grace has predestinated us to the very highest relation that of sons unto Himself by Jesus Christ "according to the good pleasure of his will." THE AFTER-EXPERIENCE OF THESE THREE PEOPLE WAS DIFFERENT at least, you gather it from the commands of Christ. In these days of dividing walls of race and class and creed we must shake the earth anew with the message of the all-inclusive Christ, in whom there is neither bond nor free, Jew nor Greek, Scythian nor barbarian, but all are one.". The world as it is has invaded our souls. That is, when you see a person walking you make an assumption he is going someplace and he has a purpose in mind. That is not the result of some great effort on my part. The law or "mark" in this context is the righteous will of God. Note how he links us with Christ Jesus. Men are justified by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. 2:19-22 So then you are no longer strangers and foreigners resident in a land that is not their own, but you are fellow citizens with God's consecrated people and members of the family of God. Eternity isn't long enough. The re:Worship survey on pandemic worship practices has been completed. And so in the morning when the fleece was wet and the ground was dry, he said, "Now I want to make sure about this. As Creator, God is distinct in his essence from the world he has created. For we have been brought together by the redeeming love of Jesus. "The air is the house of the disembodied spirits." Consequently here it is not an energy already put forth, but he pleads that Christ might dwell by faith in their hearts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. I ended in horrible disgrace.". (118) Il expose et esclarcit ce quil avoit dit ci-dessus. He explains and illustrates what he had formerly said.. Sin is the death of the soul. And now this spiritual birth, my spirit is now alive, and with my spirit alive I now have fellowship with God. You, and you, and you, are citizens in this Kingdom. That is, all our strength is to lean on another, even the Lord. Ah! If you're interested in reading the results, visit here: But the Gentiles had no such hope. What kind of a life were we living? A religion based on all kinds of rules and regulations, about sacred rituals and sacrifices and days, can never be a universal religion. The consequence is that we find the Spirit of God, now sent down from heaven, not only putting the saints into relationship with the Father, but, besides, dwelling in them and making them God's habitation through the Spirit. And the Lord said, "Gideon." "Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." But not merely this. You might as well just, you know, get into a fuzz of drugs or into the folly of liquor, because there is no sense in trying to be sober. WebCall to Worship Psalm 104:1-4, 33 Benediction Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Our present position is this, first, that we are raised from the dead. Which is the worst state of all, far worse than being without circumcision. That is living prayer. This is the great point to seize always throughout Scripture. When did God start loving you? We were full of vigour towards everything which was contrary to the law or the holiness of God, we walked according the course of this world; but as for anything spiritual, we were not only somewhat incapable, and somewhat weakened; but we were actually and absolutely dead. The re:Worship survey on pandemic worship practices has been completed. Now the word conversation is an old English word, and we have a new definition for that word today. Trespass, is taking the wrong road when we could take the right one; it is missing the truth that we should have known. Is every working hour filled with our most conscientious work and is every task done as well as we could possibly do it? Now we come to the third and last case LAZARUS DEAD AND BURIED. Hence, being "Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; [the apostle bids such remember] that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world." And to show my appreciation, Dad, I just thought that today I would come over and just do whatever you would like me to do for you. We have seen that the basic meaning of hagios ( G40) is different. The flesh is that part of our nature which gives sin a bridgehead and a point of attack. Some people never grow beyond that stage. You have a wide range, for the life of God, his life in his new-born child, is the same life that is in every Christian. And now, in Him who is dead and risen, the Christian has put completely off the old man, is being renewed in the spirit of his mind, and has put on the new man, which according to God is created in righteousness and holiness of truth. "There are three outstanding schools of moral pathology traceable throughout the centuries. But the Son being before the Father as His supreme object of love and delight from all eternity, to bring us as sons before Him was as much a part of His counsels as to make us partakers of divine nature. WebThe Art of Following - Matthew 4:12-23. Paul had begun by saying that, as we are, we are dead in sins and trespasses; now he says that God in his love and mercy has made us alive in Jesus Christ. Jesus recreates the will. I believe it to be true; and believing it to be true, I feel its living force upon my nature every day. What has it to do with a happy life, so long as every sentiment of the mind, and every act of the will, is death? Have we had a divine touch, a superhuman energy, a something which all the learning and all the wisdom and all the godliness of man could never work in us? In what sense were the people of Israel different from other peoples? When last evening trying to realize the thought, it utterly overcame me. Now, the highest being that of the Son, we accordingly are brought into that relationship, though not, of course, in the sense in which He was eternally so. They have jaded themselves. In Him we enter into favour, "in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of offences," not exactly according to the praise of his glory, "but according to the riches of His grace." Could I just be me? Bible Gateway Plus makes it simple. In other words, Christ was not raised up as an insulated individual, severed from all others by His glory and their sin and shame. 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