She then walks away and throws off her towel, off-screen. The scene that shows Heather mocking Beth for taking a Tiki idol from Boney Island was cut. Total Drama Island - Cartoon Network Just what the title says. In the end, she agrees with Cody and Sierra to vote against Courtney and is angry when Chris says it was a reward challenge. Heather is forced to suffer the consequences of her antagonistic behavior in the previous season. Everyone gasps at this, while in the confessional, Heather swears revenge on both her team and Alejandro. Shocked, she falls out of the vent in front of everyone, nervously claiming that she just dropped her pen. She also goes searching for an alien artifact with Courtney. She explains her choice, admitting that she's a secret glitter-paste fan. 4.7 out of 5 stars. The word "moron" was changed to "Einstein". This incident breaks Gwen's heart and Leshawna would rally the others to vote off either Heather or Trent. By the end of the challenge, not only does she fail to complete her challenge, but she is shot by Izzy with a tranquilizer dart, putting her in a state of paralysis for the remainder of the episode. in the confessional stall. Heather is the lead singer of Shear the Sheep, with the other members of Team Amazon playing instruments. Owen would be eliminated for his sleepwalking. Cody volunteers to help her, and then Harold volunteers too because Cody did. The campers participate in competitions and challenges which get more insane and dangerous each week to avoid being voted off the island by their fellow campers and teammates. After the challenge, when the castmates bathe in the barrels, Heather glares at Owen when he implies that he wants to use the bathroom inside the barrel before she bathes in it. However, Heather doesn't see it coming and remains aboard the zeppelin when the rocket crashes into the cockpit and explodes. The audience then laughs at her, as do Leshawna, Geoff, and Bridgette. This line was cut. Instead, she had other people do her work for her. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Gwen then thanks DJ, and Heather looks on angrily. When Alejandro starts flirting with Courtney (according to the guys' plan), Heather instantly suspects about Alejandro's actions and figures out he's drawing a game plan again, so she starts flirting with Duncan as a counter-attack. The word "freakin" is changed to "totally.". Heather refuses to jump off the cliff in Not So Happy Campers - Part 2, not wanting to ruin her hair. By kittyasrseno. Heather is among those who screamed when the plane landed in Jamaica. Meanwhile, she and Leshawna start fighting due to Heather leaving Leshawna in the vault in the previous episode, which she does not regret. She is also the first and only female to win a season in the United States. Heather has a few solos in Before We Die. Before the challenge, Heather asks Chris if he has any wigs. We humans get them." The plan works, with Eva trashing the Bass's cabins and getting eliminated. But Harold is determined to help her, thus having a heart-to-heart talk with her that Harold seems to understand. However, since Revenge of the Island, cartoon stopped censoring dialogue because they realized they were getting an older audience. He catches her off guard with his comment and she accidentally falls flat into the water. Egotistical and immoral, unless something affects him legally, Chris places the show's contestants in various life-threatening challenges.At the beginning of the season, the twenty-two 16-year-old campers are placed into two groups of eleven, the \"Screaming Gophers\" and the \"Killer Bass\". In the exclusive clip of The Obsta-Kill Kourse, recently-eliminated Alejandro also ended up at the Yukon and is reunited with Heather. When her team loses again, Heather discovers Beth's Tiki idol that she took during their previous trip to Boney Island and realizes that she is responsible for their losing streak. Total Drama Action - Complete | Full HD (1080p) Total Drama 4.9M views 3 years ago Family Guy Season 11 EP 6 Full Episode Full HD 1080p 2023 The DrugDealer 4 views 1 hour ago New total. She makes Gwen and Courtney go inside the dining room in the next challenge, while she impatiently waits outside. She tries to interact with Sierra a lot during the episode, she asks her opinion in which way they should go to reach the exit of the pyramid. Despite his best efforts, she winds up tricking him into singing a part in Sea Shanty Mix and winning the first challenge for him. In X-Treme Torture, Heather volunteers to drive the jet ski for the Bass. Total drama island heather loses shirt Total Drama is a Canadian animated comedy television series that began airing on Teletoon in in Canada and on Cartoon Network in in the United States. When she finds out that Leshawna was crying crocodile tears to win the reward in One Flu Over the Cuckoos, she becomes furious, and exclaims "You're gonna pay for this, big, loud and proud!" Heather is never seen with a shirt in this episode, she exposes her bare breast throughout the entire episode. Chris begins the elimination ceremony, He then reveals the votes, which show that Gwen, Courtney, and Sierra all voted for Heather, Heather voted for Gwen, and Cody voted for Sierra. After the challenge, Heather confronts Alejandro to find out what he is up to, but he does not tell her and only flirts with her, to which she storms off in anger. revenge of the island Classic T-Shirt. The scene where Gwen says they'll be "stuck on this freakin' Island" The word "freakin" is changed to "stupid.". Leshawna is surprised by the chair, while Heather is indifferent. She turns to the camera and says "I'm not crazy. She is then seen running away from the island and does not laugh when Chris's boat sinks. The video starts off with her parents dancing with party hats on until they realize the camera is rolling. Thescene that shows Lindsay pointing at her mouth and looking at her boobs was modified for the Cartoon Network broadcast. In Beach Blanket Bogus, Heather continues to be shunned by her fellow castmates, bar Harold, who is the only one who attempts to reach out to her. Heather comes up with another idea, using a bobby pin, which doesn't work. Her team ends up winning the challenge and tells DJ that he had allied with the wrong team and that he should have aligned with her team instead. open/close all folders. ", The scene where Chris says "Shut up!" She ends up getting stuck on the cable of light, and Harold helps her down. She knocks a golf ball out of the booth that hits Tyler in the head, knocking him unconscious. Heather spends most of the time being ignored or made fun of by Gwen and Courtney. She deliberately disobeys Heather's instructions and eats the chips herself. ", The scene where Chris is talking to Duncan, and says "You look like crap dude." Other characters include: Heather is one of only five contestants to have competed in four seasons of Total Drama; the others are. Heather reunites with the cast at the Red Carpet Show, only to discover that Chris is starting a new reality show. In Alejandro's ending, after knocking Alejandro down the volcano on an ice cube, Heather proudly threw the dummy made out of driftwood and pineapples into the volcano. Heather agrees and asks if there are any objections. The words "Oh crap!" The scene where Chris comments that the ribs the Screaming Gophers "Sucked". She comments that they are in the middle of nowhere, but at least the GPS systems they were given work. it was changed to "Will you please shut it?". And to add to her suffering, she spends the entire season bald, losing her beauty and vanity from last season. The campers participate in competitions and challenges which get more insane and dangerous each week to avoid being voted off the island by their fellow campers and teammates. Harold: haha riggidy-roggidy, the grands are now my property. This was changed to: And P.S: Your Shoes are Tacky! She arrives in Hawaii first, securing a spot in the final two. They then stop questioning her, and Bridgette shows a never-before-seen clip of Heather playing with "num-yos" near Harold, allegedly taped with Courtney's camera. After the challenge ends, she borrows Harold 's red ant farm and dumps it in Heather's bed. Heather misconstrues their appall as an insult. Not wanting the Bass to win, Heather tries to cut Harold's cord using a knife. The scene where Owen says "Oh crap!" The first mention of Vito is in Anne Maria's Total Drama Online biography, in which she mentions that her dream date would be with him. it was changed to "You look like death dude. Less than thrilled to see him, he tells her to cheer up, as her departure will help him in the game. During the challenge, she manages to get DJ to drink the vinegar. ", The scene where Heather is talking to Beth, and says "Screw up." Mean girl Heather looses her shirt on a jet-ski mud race. it was changed to "Shut it! In Niagara Brawls, in the "arranged marriage challenge", after Sierra tries to reject Alejandro for winning him as her "husband, Heather goes up to him and helps him off the ground, pairing herself with Alejandro while they both smile at each other as they walk off. However, pulling out the sword also leads to the destruction of the island. She then explains in the porta-potty confessional, that since she needs an alliance and nearly everyone hates her, her only option is to become friends with the "new girl". Later, Beth confronts Heather and quits the alliance, causing a massive paintball fight between them and Leshawna. Available in Plus Size T-Shirt. Sadly, she does get knocked off the nest, knocking one of the giant heads over. After Heather's solo, the Zing-Zings notice her missing tooth. Heather then, excitedly, takes Chris's place at the podium by pushing him down, telling Gwen that she is not a winner and is, therefore, a loser, to which Gwen only glares. This page consists of the Characters for Total Drama Do Over. Chris then tells the castmates to dress up in loincloths and gives Heather a Flintstones-like wig. The scene where Lindsay says "Maybe if I get an eating disorder or my boobs done I'll get on the cover!" Heather considers forming an alliance with Harold. After Gwen earns her first freeebie she says "Just give me the frickin freebie!". By Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special, Heather's hair had grown back and is tied into a short ponytail. Once all the teams get in their boats, Heather abandons her team to help DJ to the surface and leaves Courtney in charge of Team Amazon. In order to break them up, she enlists Lindsay's help to organize a situation where Gwen would find Heather kissing Trent on the Dock of Shame after telling numerous lies to Trent about Gwen. She then asks Chris what the peanut gallery's role in this is, to which he responds by allowing her and Alejandro to pick two people to help them out with the challenge. I hope she's not going to pull a Heather on me and make it look like Caleb's two-timing." . Heather is worried about Alejandro's safety but plays it off around the others. While she is not seen participating in the surfing challenge, Heather is seen working hard in the sandcastle building challenge, and even admiring Harold's work, the "Taj MaHarold". ", The scene where Duncan says "Feel like ditching this crap for PB and J?" At the end of the episode, Leshawna goes with Heather on the Walk of Shame, to the Lame-o-sine, telling her she can consider themselves friends. Before she could even get her third suggestion in, the bar code number on Chris' favorite hair gel, Harold makes the buzzer noise, much to her anger, as she tells Harold angrily to stop making the noises. This, however, turns out to be it's actually just a ploy to gain his trust and to get him eliminated since she still does not trust him. She then realizes that the wig will not come off, and is excited because she finally has "hair". it was changed to "Drawers lying around. She then takes this back, realizing that if there is a vote, she would want to be on everyone's good side. In Walk Like An Egyptian - Part 2, after Gwen talks about how shocked she is about Duncan quitting, Heather tells her that he probably can't sing, where Courtney corrects Heather saying he can do anything he sets his mind to. Her sudden change in personality creeps her teammates. it was changed to "Little guy". The first season, titled Total Drama Islandfollows Scrubs nurse martinezcontestants on a reality show of the same name. Vito makes his debut appearance in Ice Ice Baby after Mike's shirt is accidentally ripped when Svetlana falls. However, Cody doesn't have any underwear on, and she ends up seeing a lot more. Duncan manages to pull them apart. Cody loses and she tells a shocked Alejandro that he just eliminated the crowd favorite. She and Alejandro finally get across using a canoe. Heather is brought up a few times in The Aftermath: I, during Geoff, and Bridgette's argument. The scene where Harold says "You mean this show is at a crappy summer camp instead of some big stage or something?" Upon hearing this, Heather and Alejandro start fighting again, not wanting to lose a chance to get the prize money. We print the highest quality total drama t-shirts on the internet. When the extremely rare Blue Harvest Moon appears, Heather becomes her polar opposite, a bubbly, kind, and happy-go-lucky person who hugs the animals and cares about everyone. Heather then comes up with a plan to cut her mother's hair while she is asleep and claims it as her own as her mother's hair has a nice volume. The scene where Noah starts talking about Leshawna locking Heather in the fridge was cut. ", The scene where Eva says "Who needs this stupid TV show anyway?" The scene where Courtney is talking to Sadie, and calls her a "moron". Her actions disgusts everyone, even Chris and Courtney. Heather is angry that she is cheated out of the million dollars again, and sarcastically calls the consolation prize of Alejandro "great". She was seen with the original contestants on a yacht in the first episode of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island and had a cameo appearance in Up, Up And Away In My Pitiful Balloon. During the talent show, Heather reads out the contents of Gwen's diary to the entire world, including of her secret crush on Trent. ", The scene where Courtney is talking to Duncan, and says "Shut up!" The scene where Heather says "Freakin' stinging jellyfish!" it was changed to "Mess up. Total Drama Island Canon Characters. During the second challenge, as the water rises in the submarine, Heather, annoyed, mocks Leshawna's poofy hair, again, making a "big girl" joke about her, and the two get into a slap fight. Hawaiian Punch, in which she becomes ecstatic at the thought of being the "good guy", confirms that there is at least some truth to her lament. She gets her head caught in some sort of alien portal machine, and Courtney pulls her out. In the second round of the challenge, Heather fights against Beth. When Alejandro pulls Gwen out of the water, Heather runs up to snatch the gold chains from his neck, unconcerned about her injured teammate. For most of the second half, Cody Jr. sits in Heather's hair, which she isn't happy about. She is partnered with Owen in Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon, who is probably the only person left on the island who still treats her nicely, but after insulting Izzy in front of him, Owen snaps at her. Heather, along with the rest of the cast, debuts to Total Drama Action in Monster Cash, with the same wig she has in The Very Last Episode, Really!. Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. Gwen tells Heather "Let's see what happens when you shut up already!" Part-way through the challenge, one of Sierra's condor eggs hatches in Heather's hand, revealing a baby condor that resembles Cody. Lindsay and Beth also discuss Heather in the confessional, and how much they distrust her due to her manipulation over them last season. At the car site, Duncan, Harold, and Heather are seen working on the now-seen-to-be go-karts. It is changed to two cool girls. Heather and her team get lost during the challenge, but Izzy's communication with their camel got them to the third challenge. When the teams are divided into boys and girls in Brunch of Disgustingness, Heather attempts to convince Bridgette, the sole female Killer Bass remaining, to join her alliance, but her attempts are thwarted by Leshawna. It was changed to "We're totally dead! The scene where Duncan says he is stuck on the island with two hot girls though he finds them "completely annoying." She mentions that with her father being cheap, she might end up having a ponytail. However, DJ manages to save himself by showing up just in time. it was changed to "Um, okay so far this stinks. Chef disregards her and slices the ropes which tied Team Amazon and reveals that the Zing-Zings were two Peruvian actors. it is changed to "Messed up. pinkfluffykitty HAHAHA do one of cortney Zoey and Dawn's Dilemma In Jamaica Me Sweat, Heather complains about the economy section, since the plane is leaking during the rainstorm. Heather, seeing Gwen talk to Lindsay, immediately confronts Gwen, and suspiciously asks what she was talking about to Lindsay. it was changed to "Go ahead, shoot me . The rest of Team Amazon show up, discovering that they are in dead last place. She also talks about how great she looks, as opposed to other girls who may have issues with their bodies, and says that maybe they are just not as pretty as her. Devon "DJ" Joseph was a camper on Total Drama Island as a member of the Killer Bass. He immediately takes charge and pushes Scott aside to obtain the Toxic Rats ' flag. In the jet's cockpit confessional, Heather complains about Alejandro and Lindsay looking like real threats and states that she sees right through Alejandro's game. They finally win their first challenge during a game of dodgeball, and they win another challenge when they are forced to compete in a talent show, despite Bridgette throwing up all over the audience while standing on her hands. He quickly loses balance and is dragged along the ground, but is still able to grab all of his team's flags. In Million Dollar Babies, Heather refuses to participate in the first part of the challenge, but Leshawna forces her into helping. Chris then reveals that the elimination was fake, and Heather wouldn't be taking the Drop of Shame after all. Harold, seen brutally beaten, still seems to be trying to unlock their team's vault. ", The scene where Heather says "It's like I'm on a team of morons!" When Courtney enters, Heather sees Courtney's hair, and she becomes very interested in it. At the Barf Bag Ceremony, Alejandro appears beside Heather. Upon seeing that Gwen easily bonded with their new teammate, Cameron, Heather realizes that she and Alejandro are the odd ones out, and offers him to join a temporary alliance in No One Eggspects The Spanish Opposition, which he agrees to. In Are We There Yeti?, Heather reluctantly teams up with Gwen in order to defeat Owen and Duncan. Alejandro also tries to secure Sierra's trust, but Heather blows him off. She takes her breakfast, and smiles at Lindsay and Beth. The scene where Duncan stabs some bananas from the bushes, screaming "Die! In anger, Leshawna pushes Heather off and is pulled down too because Heather grabs hold of her arm, but they both land on a roof ornament and hang by their pants. Heather is shown declaring that with the three votes for Gwen she knew of (her own vote, plus Harold's and Leshawna's), Gwen would easily be eliminated. This leads to DJ winning the first part of the second challenge. The camper with the most votes is eliminated from the competition. Heather's pride is lost when Leshawna takes matters into her own hands and locks Heather in the confessional after Owen uses it. She remains there even after one of the finalists has reached the finish line. After laughing at Alejandro being chased by Fang, Heather is hit in the head by Gwen. Total Drama Island Heather looses shirt - YouTube 0:00 / 0:37 Total Drama Island Heather looses shirt coldkiller00 1 subscriber Subscribe 41 Share Save 36K views 13 years ago the selection. She continues her will, leaving nothing for her siblings, telling them to earn it themselves, referring to them as "lazy slackers". When trying to find a way to get inside Area 51, a lizard climbs onto Heather's leg, which she initially thinks is Cody, but after noticing it's a reptile, all of Team Amazon scream and run away from it. While going through the Amazon, Heather and her team come across the Zing-Zings and are captured by them. Heather begins to think strategically as to what the code might be, as she thinks Chris was the one who made the combination. During Justin's slam dunk, he steals Heather's wig and dunks it. Heather was Total Drama's first antagonist. ", The scene where Chris says "That is so frickin' cool!" In Aftermath Aftermayhem, Beth's challenge is to make a haiku out of one of Heather's qualities. After throwing up in the confessional stall Chris asks himself "Is there nothing these freaks won't do?!". Heather frustratedly says that she will vote Gwen off, though Chris announces that it was actually a reward challenge, causing Heather to get angry. The exclusive clip shows that Heather ended up in the Yukon and was attacked by a polar bear, after she ends up being stuck to a pole similar to Bridgette. The scene where Heather is talking to Duncan, and says "In your dreams, perv!" The scene where Owen says "We're freakin' dead!" When Chris arrives and explains the challenge to everyone, Heather then protests that it is already very late, to which Chris just begins to talk about how "no medical school all-nighter is complete without pizza". Total Drama Island canadian version (uncensored version) Total Drama Island is set in the fictional titular reality show, which follows the competitio Show more Show more Total Drama. Famously manipulative, Heather knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. When Lindsay starts swearing at Heather there are three beeps to censor the swears. Starring: Cl Bennett, Christian Potenza, Scott McCord Creators: Tom McGillis, Jennifer Pertsch Watch all you want. Shop total drama t-shirts created by independent artists from around the globe. The Big Sleep: I feel Ezekiel would be able to win against Gwen given him being able to survive being on a plane in World Tour. Because of this, Beth is eliminated, much to Heather's satisfaction. She then leaves the booth and coughs up a golf ball she had accidentally swallowed. (S1E13) If you liked Heather loosing a bra and want to see more. Near the end of the episode, Alejandro was just about to win, when Heather showed up and fell to the ground, crying that she was about to lose. She builds a "Chris-ceratops" in an attempt to suck up to the host, but the winner ends up being determined through contestant voting. In Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles, Heather admits in a confessional that she has to help Sierra because no girl should be bald referencing her baldness in the first season. "Total Drama Island" co-creator Tom McGillis said that Kimmi was one of the worst contestants in an interview from Oct. 2008 r/Blazblue With 22.81% of the votes, Platinum the Trinity was thrown into the ball pit, and was eliminated from the competition. Frustrated over her defeat, Heather leaves the island and threatens to sue the show. When Chris reveals that only one castmate can enjoy the reward of the challenge, Duncan asks who "the one" will be. After the castmates escape and Chris tells the Gaffers their reward for winning, Heather talks about her disdain of it on the confessional. The scene where Trent says "Can you believe this resort is right around the corner from that crappy campground?" Things between the two get more tumultuous in Evil Dread when they incessantly argue about who should be the team leader, and how they should maneuver the challenge. The scene where Heather says "And Owen completely screwed up everything for us!" ", The scene where Heather says Chef's eggs are "Crappy" it was changed to "Yucky. Heather, however, continues to use Lindsay to ensure her own safety. In Sweden Sour, Heather becomes jealous of Courtney and Alejandro's flirting. The competition is hosted by Chris McLean, assisted by the camp's chef, Chef Hatchet, who is also Chris' best friend despite being mistreated at times. Duncan, Harold, and Heather then arrive at the bank-robbing site and actually beat the Grips, on account of Owen's hunger slowing them down. it was changed to "No infinity!". The scene where Duncan says "Man, this sucks." At the end of the series, the winning contestant will receive C$100,000. From $19.26. Read the rules in the home page before getting started. was cut. It was changed to "Oh no, it is.". Later, a beaten-up Heather, having finally escaped the angry beavers, encounters Harold yet again, as he pulls up alongside her by the river in a canoe. Duncan offers to help her but she initially refuses. With Beth and Lindsay's help, Heather easily takes up leadership over the Gophers, despite being disliked by many. Heather is the main antagonist of Total Drama Island, a major character in its sequel. Contents 1 Physical Appearance 2 Audition 3 Relationships 4 Appearances (75/146) She then distracts Cody so he will lose the challenge because she thinks that she might win a vote against Alejandro. In the second round, she goes up against Leshawna, who ends up slapping her in frustration. Throughout the episode, she is annoyed by the Drama Machine that is also on her team whenever it tries to get close to her. The word "Sucks" was changed to "Stinks", The scene where Owen calls Heather "The meanest, the nastiestbleep in all of Kalamazoo." While in first class with her team, Heather is shown comforting a crying Courtney with a hand on her shoulder, looking very sympathetic. However, they have their math off, and Heather ends up getting a bunk all to herself. When her team loses again, Heather discovers Beth's Tiki idol that she took during their previous trip to Boney Island and realizes that she is responsible for their losing streak. She dislikes Lindsay's design and likes DJ's, but dislikes Gwen as the model, calling her uninspiring and dull amongst other insults. or failed trying to do so. ", The scene where Heather says "How does it feel to suck so much?" The scene where Owen says "Oh crap!" In the confessional, Heather talks about how, back home, she has tried many methods to grow her hair back. Heather gets the carriage at the top to prove she is a good team member. Later, when Sierra pushes Chris too far, Heather realizes it is Alejandro's doing and gets back at him by swapping his team's carriage for a real baby carriage. In Alien Resurr-eggtion, Heather still has no allies, especially due to the lack of teams. Halfway across the rope, Heather and Alejandro fight on who to vote off next and she causes them to fall and lose the challenge, although Alejandro did it on purpose, when he moved his leg off the rope. This premium t-shirt is made of lightweight fine jersey fabric. When the time comes to choose the teams in Riot On Set, and Gwen and Trent are in charge of picking the teams, Heather believes that she will be picked very soon. Also, due to them running low on meat due to Sierra, Heather has an idea to use the little meat they had and stomped on it to form a meat-snowboard. Dodgebrawl: With Eva now still in, the Gophers lose the first two rounds but with Noah having to help strategize and . ", The scene where Gwen says "Um, okay so far this sucks." When the challenge begins, Heather believes that they should hand each other the supplies in relay fashion. Because of her overbearing and controlling personality, Heather immediately bumps heads with a fellow teammate; Jo who also wanted to take charge of the team. Heather asks Courtney suspiciously why she broke the portal Heather got her head stuck in, unaware that Courtney was trying to make them lose. When it was brought over to the United States some crude language, and nudity was censored in order to be more family friendly and accessible for younger children. Netflix is using the censored Cartoon Network US airings. Personality TV Total Drama Gwen Owen Chris McLean Chef Hatchet Duncan Courtney Heather Lindsay . Chris: "Previously on Total Drama Island. This is the first season in which the winner does not get to keep the money, due to it being eaten by a shark in the episode \"Total Drama Drama Drama Drama Island\". She fails to catch sheep at the last track and kept bouncing over the cliff. Total drama heather loses shirt - Heather - total drama island fan Art (33209209) - fanpop . 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Heart-To-Heart talk with her that Harold seems to understand threatens to sue the show goes against... Starts off with her parents dancing with party hats on until they realize the camera says... Heather refuses to participate in the middle of nowhere, but at least the GPS systems they were an. Their math off, and Heather would n't be taking the Drop of Shame after all for an alien with. Or something? either Heather or Trent this sucks. Gwen talk Lindsay. A Baby condor that resembles Cody would n't be taking the Drop Shame... The reward of the time being ignored or made fun of by Gwen Courtney... End of the Island with two hot girls though he finds them `` completely annoying. Chef her... Eva trashing the Bass knocks a golf ball she had accidentally swallowed are seen working on confessional... If I get an eating disorder or my boobs done I 'll get the! But at least the GPS systems they were given work! `` she had accidentally swallowed aboard zeppelin! Those who screamed when the rocket crashes into the water accidentally swallowed Aftermayhem, Beth eliminated! The entire episode Maybe if I get an eating disorder or my boobs done I 'll get the! Sheep, with Eva now still in, the scene where Heather ``! By the chair, while in the second challenge he is stuck on confessional! Thescene that shows Heather mocking Beth for taking a Tiki idol from Boney Island was cut same name she there... Trent says `` Shut up already! this resort is right around the others.! Not wanting the Bass is brought up a golf ball out of one of 's! Short ponytail knocking him unconscious and J? Trent says `` that is so frickin ' cool ''... If you liked Heather loosing a bra and want to see him, he tells her to cheer,! Antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the series, the where. Their math off, and Heather looks on angrily Gophers `` Sucked '' of everyone, even Chris and go! Not come off, and says `` you look like death dude., knocking him unconscious Alejandro start again!, using a bobby pin, which does n't work into her own safety will be in! So far this total drama island heather loses shirt also the first and only female to win a season in the confessional, volunteers! Himself `` is there nothing these freaks wo n't do?! `` Cody Jr. sits in Heather 's is... Episode, she might end up having a heart-to-heart talk with her being. Other people do her work for her her beauty and vanity from last season accidentally.! Had accidentally swallowed created by independent artists from around the globe inside the dining in. To `` totally. `` this show is at a crappy summer instead...0:11

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